Community Action Agency of Somerville
CAA’s Housing Advocacy Program provides a wide range of services to low-income individuals at risk of homelessness. CAAS also includes services like Head Start, Free Tax Assistance, and Community Organizing and Advocacy.
Metro Housing Boston
Metro Housing Boston provides Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT), Emergency Rent and Mortgage Assistance (ERMA), & Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP).
Somerville Office of Housing Stability
Somerville Office of Housing Stability aims to prevent the involuntary displacement of Somerville residents who are in the process of eviction or at other risk of losing their housing, and rehouse the homeless and those needing to relocate.
Somerville Homeless Coalition
Somerville Homeless Coalition strives to fight homelessness, eviction, and food insecurity through four core programs: Food Assistance, Street Outreach, Homelessness Prevention, and Supportive Housing.